Do you feel like you just can’t get a handle on your money? Are your finances a mess?
Want to improve your finances, but not sure where to start?
It all starts with mastering some basic skills. Consider the following basics of financial responsibility, from budgeting to paying yourself first to mastering the art of the credit card to saving for retirement.
What will be offered at Millionaires University? You will learn:
- Banking
- Budgeting
- Credit
- Credit Repair
- Insurance (life)
- Investing (stocks, bonds, real estate)
- Retirement planning
Courses are for EVERYONE!!
This will be a year long teaching, meeting once every quarter.
NEW REGISTRANTS: There will be a one time charge of $120 per person or $140 per couple. (1-book per couple)
***There may be smaller charges each quarter to cover food, special
Saturday's event will be from 11am - 4pm. We will cover:
- Credit
- Credit Repair
- Credit Building
- Budgeting
(NOTE: bring 1 month worth of your monthly bills and most recent bankstatement)